Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Job!

I know everyone's been wondering where I've been with this whole blog thing but a lot of stuff has been up in the air for the last month and a half so you'll just have to forgive me.

As some of you may know, I had been a little anxious about the future of my job status over here in Kosovo. CACI, the company I worked for initially, lost the re-compete on the contract we were working under, losing out to a relatively new company called SOSi. SOSi decided to subcontract the Kosovo positions to Northrop Gruman who in turn was supposed to make offers to us analysts who were already on the ground to stay. That was supposed to be done by Thanksgiving but we heard nothing. Two weeks later, still nothing. New Years and still nothing. Meanwhile, I had heard through the grapevine that another company had an opening at a different base in Kosovo, the NATO KFOR Headquarters base. I sent in my resume, made some phone calls, and two weeks later I had an offer that I couldn't really refuse. Two weeks after that I was working somewhere else.

"Where is that?" you ask. Well I now work on Camp Film City in the KFOR Headquarters building, preparing daily update briefings for the KFOR Commander, an Italian 3-star general. It's a pretty cush job, and although it's not quite the position I originally came here for, it seems like this job was made for me. It's a little bit farther to drive to my weekend apartment in Skopje, but the base is smaller here, it's filled with internationals, and there are multiple restaurants where I can get great food and have a beer! Sometimes, it's the little things that count.