Friday, May 30, 2008


I have arrived safely in Kosovo and have spent the first day tired and sleepwalking through inprocessing. I left Houston at 3:35 on Wednesday and did not arrive to Camp Bondsteel until midnight Thursday. Thank you, delayed plans and lack of flights to Kosovo.

So far, things are relatively nice, especially as compared to my time in Baghdad. Not so much compared to San Marcos though. My "apartment"/converted shipping container is about 8 feet by 20 feet and if I'm laying on my back I can touch both walls. Doesn't seem like much space, but maybe it will force me to be organized. Ha!

Still a lot of work to do to make it feel comfortable but at least I've already bought sheets, a pillow, and a blanket which will be much more comfortable tonight than the stolen Lufthansa blanket was last night.

Oh, and the PX sells Dr. Pepper. Thank you, Baby Jesus!