Friday, July 4, 2008

¡Feliz Cuatro de Julio!

Happy Fourth of July from San Sebastian, Spain! I hope everyone back home who is keeping up with me and checks this thing is doing well. I´m having a great time on my trip so far and will write and post a bunch of pics as soon as I get back to Kosovo. Much love to all the family and friends who are checking up on me!


mollyb said...
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mollyb said...

Coleman, I am so glad that you made it to Spain! We had a great 4th but a quiet one. We drove to Huntington late yesterday to have a Mexican food dinner with Bill's mother at the only decent Mexican restaurant I have found in WV and drove right back. I spent all day watching old Twilight Zone episodes. I have had a hectic schedule at work lately so I needed a day to do nothing. But, I did think about what a great country we live in and the sacrifices of people and soldiers like you! I will be a little more active the rest of the weekend. We heard all the fireworks last night but it was good to be home and reading a good book. Can't wait to see your photos. I am working on a photo album online but I am having computer problems - I need to get in touch with Computer Associates as my computer has slowed since I installed their software. I will try to do that today. Keep having a great time in Spain! Love you so much! Aunt Marti