Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas in Skopje! Yay?

In what is probably the saddest episode of my adventures abroad, for the first time in 28 years I'm spending Christmas away from my family. Even when I was in Iraq, I made it home. This was my choice, so I have no one to blame but myself, but it's still a hard thing. I had a great time going back to the States in November and if I could have made it back for both holidays I would have. Time and money made that unlikely.

I will, however, be celebrating Christmas tonight with friends in Macedonia so I will not be missing out on my annual installment of food, booze, and presents. To everyone in Texas, Merry Christmas! And since I can't be there have a drink for me!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Coleman, you make me so sad! I hope last night was really fun. Even though you are far away, you're always close in our hearts.
We love you, Mom & Dad