Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kosovo Weather

I'm learning pretty quickly that the weather here is damn near unpredictable. You would think having the United States Air Force, with its access to a worldwide network of satellites and weather stations, as our "weatherman" would mean you have an inkling of what the weather will be from day to day. Apparently not.

Yesterday started off bright and sunny and remained so for most of the day. However, at about 6:30, the sky opened up into a torrential downpour. Today started off bright and sunny as well, but at 4:00 we had more torrential rain. Within 45 minutes though, it had passed and the sky was bright and sunny again.

I had planned on buying a bike from the PX today but the rain kind of dampened my enthusiasm for riding around. Maybe this weekend will be clear and I can do some sightseeing.

1 comment:

mollyb said...

Hi, Aunt Marti checking in from the East Coast - West Virginia, more specifically. Doesn't that sound a little like the weather in Houston? Hopefully, it is a little cooler! Actually, we have been having a little Texas weather here so you won't catch me riding around on a bike. Anyway, it is great to hear from you and I bet that you would have fun on a bike. Be sure to wear your helmet! (You can never have too many mothers telling you what to do!) Take care of yourself and keep those postings coming fast. We are hungry for news! Much love from Aunt Marti and Uncle Billy